Sunday, October 30, 2011


Here is what one woman wrote to us about our argan oil face serum…

“I was undergoing chemotherapy and one of the many side effects I was experiencing was extremely dry burn-like lesions on my face. It was rather painful and I was trying all sorts of creams to sooth it. My friend gave me a bottle of body blitz’s Argan oil face serum to try. It was amazing. As soon as I put it on my face, I immediately felt the soothing affect. What a relief. I used it twice a day and soon all the lesions had cleared up. I really love its calming properties and the scent! I am no longer in treatment, and have fully recovered! Argan oil continues to be one of my favorite products. I really notice the difference in my skin when I use it. My complexion looks more refreshed and dewy and I think it helps keep my skin looking more youthful.”
-Catherine Hayos

Toni started working at our head office a few months ago. Unbeknownst to us she had given her daughter some of our products. Toni came in one day with a letter from her teenage daughter. Here is what she wrote…

“Since the age of nine or ten, I have struggled with relatively bad acne and skin problems not only on my face, but also my back, and arms. Acne is not only emotionally challenging for a child of that age (or any age), but physically painful and a very large burden. After trying several different brands of face wash and skin clearing serums, I decided to consult a dermatologist at the age of fourteen, when it got so bad that I was being teased by my classmates and others around me. He told me that I should try a topical cream and put me on an antibiotic pill. The topical cream was useless, going on my skin like a gel, but eventually drying and flaking off. The antibiotic seemed to help for a while, but my system built up immunity to it. I went back to the dermatologist, and he recommended I try another topical cream, begin a series of skin peels and consider a stronger, more intense drug. It was not a road I wanted to travel, as the potential side affects included migraines, hair loss, and depression.

About a month ago, my mom began working at body blitz spa. She came home one night with a bunch of products (an exfoliating face wash, a clay mask, toner, and moisturizer), along with a eucalyptus body scrub. She wanted me to try them. After three weeks of use, my skin has never looked better, since turning nine. I no longer have angry red bumps all over my face and body, and there are very few problem areas on my skin at all. In fact, I found the products quite soothing to my skin – they did not cause excessive drying or sting my skin.

The most important thing is that I feel more confident when I walk out the door, and I look at myself in a different way. I would recommend these
products to anyone, not only for their soothing effect, but also for the high level of reliability of the product. Thank you body blitz!”
-Tanis Smither, daughter of Toni Blay

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